HOA dues increase letter template for clear communication

HOA dues increase letter template with Crowded

As a Homeowner’s Association (HOA) treasurer, maintaining financial stability and affordability for your community is likely your top priority. But sometimes life throws curveballs that might derail your HOA’s budget (think COVID-19, sharp increases in homeowners insurance, new state regulations), and leave you no choice but to raise your HOA dues. While no one enjoys […]

How to collect membership fees and dues online

How to collect membership fees and dues online

Everyone knows about the fun parts of being in a club, sports team, association or interest group. But what enables the fun? Collecting membership fees to cover the costs of any activities!

Crowded vs Billhighway: which is right for your organization?

There are ways where Crowded and Billhighway’s services overlap, but overall Crowded offers more financial services than Billhighway. They both offer nonprofits a way to bank and collect money and a way to spend that money, but Crowded offers more features, flexibility, and financial security.

Let’s say you’re looking for a solution for collecting payments online from a broad group of people for your nonprofit, or you’re a multi-chapter nonprofit looking for a unified banking solution to implement across your chapters. You might have stumbled upon Crowded and Billhighway, and you’re curious how our services compare. We’re happy to give our perspective on Crowded and Billhighway’s differences.

Nonprofit tax exemption 101

Nonprofit tax exemption

In the world of nonprofits, knowing how tax exemptions work can make or break your organization. No matter if you’re an experienced leader or just starting out, this blog will help you understand the impact of tax exemption, how to apply for it, and how to maintain your nonprofit’s compliance. It’s not just about tax […]

What are nonprofit bylaws? Everything you need to know

Most people write off the nonprofit bylaws requirement as complicated legalese, but you could take this as an opportunity to set your nonprofit up for future success with clear guidelines!

Nonprofit bylaws are one of the many requirements for nonprofits that are officially setting up their organization. Most people write off the nonprofit bylaws requirement as complicated legalese, but you could take this as an opportunity to set your nonprofit up for future success with clear guidelines!

What’s an EIN and how do I get one for my nonprofit?

What is an EIN and how do I get one for my nonprofit organization?

You’ve probably seen the term EIN if you’re in the process of incorporating a nonprofit, or trying to file your annual taxes. If you haven’t, that’s ok too! It’s simple; EIN stands for “employer identification number,” and it plays an essential part in setting up your club or organization properly. It’s required even if your organization doesn’t have employees.

What does a treasurer do for a nonprofit organization?

What does a treasurer do for a nonprofit organization

If you’re considering starting a nonprofit club or are already leading one that’s growing, it’s crucial to understand the significance of effective financial management. Even for small clubs, managing finances can be overwhelming without the right person in charge. That’s where a treasurer becomes essential. A treasurer is a critical member of any nonprofit organization who is responsible for managing and overseeing its finances. The treasurer’s role includes keeping track of income and expenses, preparing budgets, and organizing financial reports. By performing these duties, the treasurer plays a crucial role in ensuring a nonprofit’s financial stability. In this article, we will discuss the role of a treasurer in a nonprofit organization in detail, including their responsibilities and how to elect the best person for the job.